What We Do
We give informed and impartial advice.
We design and construct investment strategies and manage portfolios, under review or directly.
Portfolios under review:
Where clients have multiple portfolios we manage and monitor external managers, and provide consolidated reports with comparative analysis.
Direct management:
Where clients choose our direct management we will select investments and provide full reports which will consolidate portfolios held elsewhere and other assets including private shareholdings.
Our approved activities are ‘restricted’, as defined by the FCA as we are unable to research or perform due diligence on all products and managers in the market.
We find our clients come to us for a number of reasons:
- We are independently owned
- Our advice is impartial and unbiased
- We are very aware of risk
- Clients deal directly with the person managing their portfolio
- We offer advice over a range of investment choices where we have researched or performed due diligence